I made it! Granted I’m running outta credit for therapy

Hello World

So I needed another avenue that was almost like therapy but without the costs involved as I’m running outta therapy credit… And I think my better half thinks that I’m wasting my time in therapy (we’ll discuss that later).

I would like to give you an update as to who I am but frankly I’m not sure who I am just yet…

What I can say is that:

1. I’m a girl

2. I’m a wife

3. I’m a mom to a 2year old

You might wonder why I need therapy (and I promise I will fill you in later) but it’s because:

1. I come from a dysfunctional (that’s putting it mildly and being diplomatic) family

2. I don’t know how to let go of my issues

3. I’m so over this crap of living in the past…

Chat soon


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