What do you know about ENDOMETRIOSIS?

I knew very little about Endometriosis…until I actually did some research.

Here’s an opportunity to educate yourselves

Becoming a “woman” was a huge milestone. You know how you get the “Now that you have your period, you CAN get pregnant talk”! Well I got tit.bits at least from my mom. Honestly, I don;t get why talking about pu.ber.ty/s.e.x/repro.duct.ive organs were/are taboo. Why are people so afraid to talk about it? Generational perhaps?

I’m a mom of 2 boys. And you can bet on it that I will and already am talking about body changes with Dudie, currently 7 years old. I’d rather educate my kids with the “right” information than let them run wild in the world and get second hand information and quite possible incorrect information from other people.

Kaboomo Mgibi hosts Endo Focus, Talks about Endometriosis

It is becoming more evident that women need to open up for themselves, safe spaces where they can talk about issues affecting their daily lives. Endometriosis is a condition affecting most women and is often misunderstood, pushed under the carpet as just “a bad period”.

A woman’s period pain often indicates something more serious. In some cases it could indicate a condition called Endometriosis, where the layer of tissue that normally covers the inside of the uterus, grows outside it.

Endo Focus is an exclusive workshop and a space for authentic interactions and beautiful conversations surrounding Endometriosis. The dialogues aim to educate women on Endometriosis; how to know when you have Endometriosis, where to get help and how to overcome challenges brought by the condition.

Kaboomo Mgibi will bring together Dr Elna Rudolph, a full time sexual health practitioner who will be speaking about sexual health in relation to Endometriosis, as well as Vusi Sape; a dietician who will be sharing healthy lifestyle tips and answer all questions related to healthy food choices. Malango Mughogho a Yoga Instructor and Endometriosis survivor will also join the panel and share her personal Endometriosis journey and how Yoga has helped her win the battle.

The event is open to male, female, and other, because Endometriosis affects us all in some way; 

Time: 08:30 for 09:00 to 11:00
Date: 30 September 2017
Venue: Ngata Safari Lodge
Theme: Smart With A Touch of Flowers

Seats are limited and booking is essential. Email kaboomomgibi@gmail.com to secure your seats.

Did you know that there is NO cure for Endometriosis? However, there are ways to treat it…We all know someone who is affected by Endometriosis. Let’s educate each other! Isn’t that what tribes are for?

Spirited Mama


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