It’s been 1 year…

I woke up just after 4am, and realised last year this time was my "calm" period. I felt something, it was in fact euphoria. And in that moment I realised it was in fact my last time with Mamma. On 28 August 2016 @ 04:22 (I know the exact time as I just checked my phone and used the torch app to look at Mamma) , she breathed her last breath out over my hand. It was bittersweet but I am extremely grateful and honored that I got to share her last moments with her. If you missed my list you can read it here Cancer Won...

Mamma….you know I love you

Image found at Mamma, YOU abandoned our ship. (in case you missed it CANCER WON Mamma lost) Remember how excited you were to plan our September holiday? Remember how excited you were when I called with the news about the resident alien? Remember how excited you were when you decided we should go on a …

Continue reading Mamma….you know I love you